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Top Rated Scripts | PHP

Results 661-680 of 1000
Phorum is a little different from the other web based message boards out there. It was designed to meet different needs of different web sites while not sacrificing performance or features.
(472 ratings)
ModsCentral, only has hand picked xoops modules, blocks and hacks for there compatibility and quality, if you find a module that you think should be here, then you know what to do. Its primary goal is to provide a central repository of known modules,add-ons, and plugins for Xoops.
(57 ratings)
PHP Point Of Sale
PHP Point Of Sale is designed to help small business's with keeping track of customers, items, inventory, and generate reports based on sales.
(2797 ratings)
PriceUSD 99.00
PHP reciprocal links manager
LinkMan will completely automate your reciprocal links exchange. It will require webmasters to place a link to your website on their site before they can add their link to your links page. In the LinkMan admin panel you have a special tool, that will crawl all URLs where your reciprocal link should be - if the reciprocal link wasn't found it will automatically remove link to that site from your links page. LinkMan doesn't need a SQL database to operate, it works with simple text files. Features include an admin panel, website thumbnails, Google PageRank check and display, featured links, blocking "rel" noindex and nofollow tags, blocking duplicate website submissions, powerful SPAM filter and many more!
(633 ratings)
PG Mortgage Site Solution
Mortgage service software solution for a mortgage originating, point, loan, bond, pledge and pawn site. Solution can be easily customized. All calculators are already developed. Site administrator has complete site and borrowers control. Pilot Group assures constant technical support for your Mortgage Site. Solution installation and deployment can be easily done and if you have any problems with it we will do it for free. All you need to do is to go to http://realtysoft.pro/mor tgage and see all the details. Demo version is available so that you will see the solution from inside.
(106 ratings)
posted byrpetraininSoftware
HTML-Kit is a full-featured text editor designed to help HTML, XML and script (PHP, Perl, ASP, JSP, etc.) authors to edit, format, lookup help, validate, preview and publish web pages. Newcomers to HTML coding can benefit from letting it point out errors and suggest improvements. Experts can save time spent on common tasks using the customizable and extendible editor while maintaining full control over the code.
(65 ratings)
Simple Form Script
This script automatically detects all form fields submitted and send the results to an e-mail address. You only need to set the e-mail address. You also have the option to require all fields not be empty. You can also specify a location to redirect to after the form is processed.
(42 ratings)
Cashback Website Clone Script
Cashback website is a great idea to earn huge income. you can start it with very low investment, We have developed a very attractive and with good features cashback website.
(34 ratings)
PriceUSD 50.00
session manager
This session manager helps you managing your website's sessions, it is really esay to install and even more easy to use. All your session data is stored in MySQL to help you making statistics of your site which are lost when a visitor leaves unles you make another script to store them in db, with this session manager forget about making extra scripts to store session data in a db.
(30 ratings)
users counter
posted byfcharruainCounters
Include this script in the PHP pages of your web site in order to display the number of people that are viewing them. Before using this script remember to create a MySQL database for it (if you don't already have one), and to assign that name to $DataBaseName. Actually, remember to assign a value to all the initialization variables at the beginning of the script. <? include("USERS.PHP"); ?> will keep count of the users accessing that page. The users() function will display all the users tracked by the script. users_on_this_page() will only display the ones on the current page.
(30 ratings)
Multi currency accounts receivable, accounts paayable, purchase orders and sales Orders. Integrated multi-location inventory. Multiple bank account management and reconciliation. Standard costing. Highly configurable, integrated general ledger with all necessary postings created from AP, AR and inventory. Period independent date driven reporting. Reversing journals. Trial balance. Multi-level bills of materials. Assemblies and kit-sets. Many advanced features all accessible from a web browser. PHP/MySQL based, reports produced in pdf.
(15 ratings)
PHP Excel 2007
Project providing classes for the PHP programming language, to allow to write to Excel 2007 files. Checkout the Features this class set provides, such as setting spreadsheet meta data (author, title, description, ...), multiple worksheets, different fonts and font styles, cell borders, fills, gradients, adding images to your spreadsheet and much, much more!
(15 ratings)
eSKUeL is a MySQL database managment tool written in PHP. It's fully compatible with MySQL: drop, create, insert, etc. It's also fully skinnable.
(11 ratings)
MaPA Article Script
Professional, fully customizable PHP script to create an online free article directory website. Main Features: Comments system, admin panel for adding, editing, and removing categories and articles, PayPal checkout integration, Adsense integration, rich snippets for reviews and ratings, SEO optimized (SEO friendly URL-s, Meta Tags) and smarty cache system.
(10 ratings)
PriceUSD 24.90
PunBB is a fast and lightweight PHP-powered discussion board. It is released under the GNU General Public License. Its primary goals are to be faster, smaller and less graphically intensive as compared to other discussion boards. PunBB has fewer features than many other discussion boards, but is generally faster and outputs smaller, semantically correct XHTML-compliant pages.
(6714 ratings)
AppGini PHP Generator For MySQL - Cover Image
AppGini PHP Generator For MySQL
Instantly create mobile-friendly, responsive, multi-user web and intranet database applications (no programming needed) that let users submit, view, search and edit data of your database easily. Define user groups with separate access permissions. Support for master/detail views, aka parent/children views, embedded Google maps and YouTube videos, web/email links, zoomable images, file uploads and downloads, date and time pickers, check-boxes, rich text, drop-downs and more. Create multi-level lookup fields to link data from multiple tables (for example to select customer name in a receipt). Users can download data as CSV files to edit in Excel. When you modify the database design in AppGini, the actual database is automatically updated without re-setup. Fully customize the look of the generated files using jQuery and Bootstrap 3. You can also add more functionality using the well-documented hook functions. Try it free now.
(2526 ratings)
PriceUSD 79.90
Piwigo is a stable and mature open source photo gallery software for the web, built by an active community of users and developers, since 2002. Easy to customize with plugins and themes. Features include FTP/HTML5/remote application uploaders, multiple size, watermark, mobile themes, mobile applications (iOS, Android, Windows Phone), user/group, oAuth (Facebook connect, Google connect...), albums, tags, privacy, user comments, user upload, search, rating, EXIF/IPTC, calendar browsing, map browsing, pages, slideshow, email/RSS notification. Piwigo is available in 56 languages.
(1654 ratings)
Nucleus is a tool to maintain one or more weblogs. It's written in PHP4 and requires a MySQL database. Features: one or more weblogs, multiple authors, categories, commenting system and karma votes, fully tweakable through skins and templates, plugin system, archives, search, file upload, drafts, IP banning, XML-RPC server implementation of the Blogger API/metaWeblog API, easy installation, RSS syndication, backup/restore, and more.
(678 ratings)
FormMail: secure, anti-spam form processor
Tectite FormMail captures the output from an HTML form and emails it to you. Spambots are now sending spam to website owners via their forms. You need a secure anti-spam form processor to keep out the junk. FormMail has many optional features including CSV database support, logging, pre-processing support (e.g. encryption), HTML templates, file uploads, checkboxes and multiple selection fields, auto-responding, derived fields, complex field validations, multi-page forms, ....... Extensive documentation is available on our website. Join our free Community Support forum. FormMail contains no known bugs or security flaws, and has a long history. Requires PHP 4.0.0 or later. You can download FormMail and use it completely free! Or, use our low-cost Configuration Wizard to get working forms in less than 3 minutes. Our new on-line Form Designer is available in the Configuration Wizard (low-cost, but not free).
(486 ratings)
TemplatePower is a fast, easy to use and powerful PHP4 template class. TemplatePower is a lot faster than FastTemplate. Main features are: nested dynamic block support, block/file include support, show/hide unassigned variables, save/use parsed template on/from disk, PHP-file include tag, global/local variable assign, multiple variable assign using an associative array, database/php-variable stored template support and a re-use tag for blocks (test state).
(375 ratings)
Results 661-680 of 1000