Top Rated Scripts | PHP
posted byshoguninCaptcha Scripts
Security code image generator and verifier. Requires GD support (most modern PHP installations) and mySQL. No image caching required. Configurable fonts, colors and captcha lengths.
How to install Php Nuke
posted bywtricksinContent Management
This is a short tutorial to help people understand how to easily install phpNuke. There are some issues that would arise on installation and this article is trying to explain them.
Grab Yahoo
posted byehsan4phpinLibraries & Classes
This class can be used to grab the contact lists of an Yahoo user.
It can authenticate in Yahoo with the user name and password of a given account. Then it can retrieve the contact lists from either the address book or the messenger friends.
The retrieved contact lists are parsed and returned as arrays.
SA PHP Framework
posted byskywebroinApplication Framework
SA PHP Framework is a full application stack which implements the Front Controller Pattern.
Originally written for PHP4 was fully rewritten to take advantage of the PHP5 object model.
It features "search engine friendly URLs", page events, validity checking for the GET parameters and it's tightly integrated with Smarty.
Upload files using a HTML form in PHP
posted byaweskadoninFile Manipulation
This script will help you for the baics of uploading images or files to your server using a HTML form and the PHP function copy. We haven't explained form validation or file checking - We'll go into further detail on that in future tutorials. To kick things off, you'll need a HTML form.
How to install and cofigure PHP 5 on Windows box
posted bybouvilloninInstalling PHP
It is assumed that you have already successfully setup IIS or installed Apache on your machine and configured it. This article explains the steps you need to follow to configure PHP and secure its correct operation.
DNI Web Design
posted bydnirvineinWeb Developers
We program Web PHP programs and also do web designs for any client. We are based in Saskatchewan, Canada and have many clients which use our php services for driving their websites. Check us out and if you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us.
Domains Whois Script
posted bymasokoinNetworking Tools
Offer Web based whois lookup and dns records dig tool to your site visitors.
#PHP support.
#Port 53 opened for outbound connections.
How to Sort an Array in PHP
posted bybouvilloninIntroduction to PHP
It is often necessary to arrange the elements in an array in numerical order from highest to lowest values (descending order) or vice versa (ascending order). If the array contains string values, alphabetical order may be needed. Sorting a one-dimensional arrays is quite easy.
posted byinfoinCaptcha Scripts
This PHP script creates an image with a security code (known as "captcha") that can be used to protect e.g. your guestbook from spam. It requires PHP 4.1.0 or higher with session support and GD library.
CssHighlight is a php function, that highlights css code. Design options can be given in Stylesheet.
posted bystrategyoracleinMiscellaneous
WPGet is a script which makes the process of including content from a Wordpress 2.x powered blog in a non-WP powered page. It's built in PHP and is 100% free software.
Multi Petition
posted bywebbdomaininMiscellaneous
A multi languages database driven petition script. Three different languages petition in one packet. Just log into admin area and add your petition title and subject in the language you wish. All signatures requests confirmation from the administer and confirmed signatures saves in database and displays in the signatures list. English, Swedish, Farsi (Persian), Arabic and many other languages. Easy to install, read userguid.doc in to install the script step by step.
PriceUSD 70.00
KJV Online-Bible Script
KJV Online-Bible Script will help you create an advanced bible site within minutes.
It includes 3 main functions: - Read The Bible: Showing the whole bible from the beginning untill the end, paging by chapters (page for each chapter). - Display Chapters and Verses: Choosing exact part from a book and display it. Paging by chapters. - Search The Bible: Search for a word, part of it, term (more then one word) and even a full verse, in the whole bible or in an exact book. SEO approach: Built with mod-rewrite. Creates SE friendly URLs and Dynamic-Titles, including .html pages. Easy Configuration.
PriceUSD 59.00
SlideCrab flash slideshow generator
posted bypropagatorinFlash & PHP
SlideCrab is a flash slideshow generator to make animated photo rotation for website.It can transforms your photo collection to Macromedia Flash file format(SWF) which you can share your memorial moments with your family or friends on your own homepage or website.With SlideCrab,you can easily add a group of still images into stunning Flash slideshow with linkages,alternate text, watermark,navigation button and special transition effects. SlideCrab has the same features as IMGOWL.It provides image protection for website, for those used to display portfolios of artworks and photographs in quality high resolution or some important photographs. It enables complete protection against image theft and the unauthorized linking of images from other websites. It transfers internal data with encryption, all stealing attempts are impossible. SlideCrab fully supports Smarty template engine and enhances more functions on Smarty.
Javascript Count Words Left
posted byreconninForm Processing
Learn how you can add javascript realtime count words field to your forms using javascript. Try it, it's easy!
PHP Database Integration With MySQL
posted bychetu_akarteinDatabase-Related
One of the defining features of PHP is the versatility it offers for connection to, and manipulation with, databases. In this article, we look at some features of the PHP and MySQL combination. We shall go through the following steps:- Connect to MySQL Database Server
Create new Database
Select MySQL Database
Add data to table
Retrieve data
Error Handling
MySpace Countdown Generator
posted byscriptsplashinMiscellaneous
This is a flash countdown generator, very popular on Myspace and many other social networking sites. This generator allows people to create a countdown to their speical event. Change layout colors, fonts and more. Generate the code and paste it on your page!
PriceUSD 8.99
Multi Petition
posted bywebbdomaininCommunication Tools
A multi languages database driven petition script. Just log into admin area and add your petition title and subject in the language you wish. All signatures requests confirmation from the administer and confirmed signatures saves in database and displays in the signatures list. English, Swedish, Arabic, Farsi (Persian), and many other languages. Easy to install, read userguid.doc in to install the script step by step. Some advances of this version over its predecessors are an additional "Country name" in the petition and also �Log out� and �Empty the List� buttons in administer area.
PriceUSD 75.00
EditONE - Edit All in One Page!
posted bywww_gaya_cninSoftware
Due to the difference in testing environment, online debugging is essential as the last stage of the development of websites. Almost all website developers have the painful experience of repeatedly shifting between HTML editing environment, source code editor, FTP software and browsers. For daily maintenance of website, so many software needs to be started one by one even for modifying just one link and color, which makes those operations appear to be rather complicated.
EditOne will help relieve you of these trifling details, provide convenience for your web-page editing, testing and maintenance and see you off to the last stage of the website development and testing.
Easy installation
Dynamic loading of directory tree
Support IE core based and Gecko based browsers
Support arbitrary character encoding editing
Convenient online editing
Full-function file management
Visual Editor (FCKeditor) may be integrated
EditONE just functions as online UltraEdit/EditPlu
PriceUSD 98.00