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Top Rated Scripts | PHP

Results 801-820 of 1000
Savant Template System
Savant is a powerful but lightweight PEAR-compliant template system for PHP. It is non-compiling, and uses PHP itself as its template language so you don't need to learn a new markup system. It has an object-oriented system of template plugins and output filters, so it sports almost all of the power of Smarty with almost none of the overhead.
(6 ratings)
MX Includes � Dreamweaver code reuse
For Dreamweaver MX developers (PHP and ColdFusion) who need to save time by reusing code in their web applications, MX Includes is a Dreamweaver MX extension that provides server behaviors allowing the effective use of statically or dynamically included files within your site. Unlike the standard PHP method of requiring files that is quite incompatible with Dreamweaver MX, our product offers a working implementation of SSI (Server Side Includes), allowing you to efficiently reuse code and use Server Behaviors inside required files. MX Includes supports: ColdFusion, ASP VBScript PHP_ADODB and PHP_MySQL. Features: --No More Broken Design View in Dreamweaver MX; -- Nice URLs for better Google indexing; -- and Tags are Stripped from the Included File; --No More Broken Server Behaviors in the Included File; --Enabling the Require of Multi Level Files; --Linking Files Using Relative Paths; --A New Revolutionary Way of Doing Code-Reuse; --Tight integration with Dreamweaver MX.
(6 ratings)
r2xDesign.net is design for all users that want or getting into web scripting, r2xDesign.net features ready to use PHP scripts, useful PHP code snippets, HTML/CSS codes and simple and free web templates, we also have helpful web scripting resources and other that are non web scripting related!
(6 ratings)
Building Websites with Mambo
This book is a fast paced tutorial to creating a website using Mambo. If you�ve never used Mambo, or even any web content management system before, then this book will walk you through each step in a friendly and accessible way. From installation, to initial set up and content entry and then on to customization for your own look and feel, this book will get you to a stable and working Mambo based web site fast. You don�t have to be an experienced web developer or designer to get a great looking site with a full set of functions using this book and Mambo. This book will guide you through every step. This book is suitable for web developers, designers, webmasters, content editors and marketing professionals who want develop a fully featured web presence in a simple and straightforward process. It does not require any detailed knowledge of programming or web development, and any IT confident individual will be able to use the book to produce an impressive web site.
(6 ratings)
Creating code to make your site functional, while still remaining beautiful. We pride ourselves on creating sites that are not only extremely functional, and usable, but also graphically pleasing to the eye.
(6 ratings)
PinoyPHP WebMail Client
PinoyPHP Mail is a POP3 WebMail Client which create virtual accounts usable by many users. Requires MySQL, and ONE POP3 account. This client modifies CraigWeb WebMail which they modify Nameko. Added: New Registration, Sent Items, Improved Mail Client.
(6 ratings)
MySpace Resources Website
SEO Friendly URLS thanks to MOD_REWRITE, Very good CTR thanks to studied advertisement positioning. Start your Turnkey MySpace Resources site fully loaded with 15000 graphics and layouts.
(6 ratings)
PriceUSD 29.99
The Website of Elliott Brueggeman
A resource containing many scripts, articles and tutorials relating to PHP, MySQL and web development. This website is also home to the PHPGraphLib and PHPWeatherLib projects.
(6 ratings)
Shop a la Cart E-Commerce Shopping Cart System
Shop a la Cart is a extremely easy-to-use, professional, fully customizable shopping cart. Supports multiple front-end languages, UPS/FedEx integration, 100% templatable storefront, multi-level unlimited categories, unlimited products, product grouping for additional categorization, discounts/coupon codes, customer rewards, and much more in a VERY easy-to-understand interface. Includes a FREE custom design, full installation and complete customer support with your cart.
(6 ratings)
PriceUSD 49.95
BNC Automatic Rss to Twitter - PRO Edition using OAuth
Are you tired of spending so much time tweeting on Twitter? Spend your valuable time and efforts on managing you business instead of marketing all of the time. ## BNC Automatic Rss to Twitter ( PHP Script ) is the simplest and fastest way to automatically publish any site that has RSS feeds to twitter including blogs and news sites! ## Features ## Add unlimited rss feeds ## No Duplicate Posting ## Secure using OAuth = you don't need to give your Twitter username and password ## URL shortening for longer text include etc
(6 ratings)
PriceEUR 25.00
Contact Robot - Easy to use customizable form with captcha
A very easy to use customizable contact form with captcha code verification agasinst spam, you can easy place it on your site by pasting one line of javascript. Some features are: Captcha code verification against automatic spam Pre-scheduled autoresponders (afternoon, weekends, etc) Unlimited custom fields (Name, Phone, etc) Sender can pick receiver departments (support, sales, etc) Easy to be placed on your site, no programming skills needed Same form can be used on all your sites Update all contact settings without editing code on your site.
(6 ratings)
PriceUSD 2.99
Exlcart - All in One Online Shopping Cart Software
Free theme, payment gateways, digital downloads, Multi-lingual, multi-currency support. 100% free source code. Easy to customize. Cross selling, loyalty points, coupons & gifts, ratings & reviews and more.
(6 ratings)
PriceUSD 399.00
RTDownloadCounter - Ajax Php Download Counter - Cover Image
RTDownloadCounter - Ajax Php Download Counter
posted byAlecosinReal-Time
RTDownloadCounter scripts counts how many times your files are downloaded in your website and allow you to know the results in real time using jquery ajax call. This script uses SQLite database. A minimum of php technical knowledge is required. This software requires Apache & PHP 7.4+, Mod Rewrite & SQLite enabled. Now supports resume downloads, large files and Download Manager.
(5 ratings)
Terracotta Document Management system
A PHP based document, picture, article, photo, clipart, link gallery management system, which is extemely customizable. Allows you to just upload files using a web based management interface and produces a human navigateable interface for your end users.
(4 ratings)
Blog of Richard Heyes offering oodles of top quality (mostly!) free PHP, Javascript and C# code. Along with occasional smattering of humour too! Mostly PHP libraries available, pertaining to mail (producing email with attachments, HTML, embedded images etc), PCRE regular expressions, text based CAPTCHA, caching, MySQL administration plus much more.
(4 ratings)
PHP Report Generator
Generate your database reports with this wizard in only a few minutes on any of your existing MySQL databases. Since this is a php driven application you simply upload the application files to a folder within your web site and you are ready to generate reports. Execute statistical queries such as sum a column.
(4 ratings)
PriceUSD 29.95
Busewe a Flippa Clone
Create your customized Flippa Clone or Flippa Clone Script from NCrypted and developed your own buying and selling websites in online marketplace. You can earn money with the help of buying and selling websites.
(4 ratings)
PriceUSD 749.00
Epic Date - Social PHP Dating Platform - Cover Image
Epic Date - Social PHP Dating Platform
Don't worry anymore for incomplete or not working software. Launch your dating startup in minutes with EpicDate Script and make profit from the first day! Contact us now to let you know how easy is to start earning money with EpicDate and our brilliant monetizing model. -- NEW UPDATED VERSION 1.2 IS ALREADY AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD! -- Grab it now!
(4 ratings)
PriceUSD 29.00
Editland is a new content management system especially made for small or medium sized sites. Its templateengine and wysiwyg editor (only works in IE 5.5 above) are very simple to use. No database needed. Its codeoutput is HTML 4.01 or clean XHTML 1.0 strict. The editor is fully costumizable and works without text fields. INLINEEDITING. The templateengine and the system works also with new designstandards (CSS-Layouts).
(3 ratings)
PHP Typo Generator
Php Typo is a simple class to generate lists of typos. The typos can be used to produce alternative libraries or produce likely typo terms to bid on in pay per click campaigns.
(3 ratings)
Results 801-820 of 1000