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Top Rated Scripts | PHP

Results 821-840 of 1000
Headwind SMS Component
PHP class to send and receive SMS using a GSM modem located on a separate SMS server. This SMS script requires Headwind GSM Modem Driver software to work with the GSM modem. The component includes the usage examples (send SMS, receive SMS, trace status of sent SMS).
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 119.90
AutoWatch - Vehicle Video Classifieds Script
posted byvideowatchinAutos
AutoWatch is a PHP-based automobile video classifieds platform that lets you start your own modern auto classifieds website. It comes pre-loaded with over 800 vehicle models from over 65 manufacturers from 1949 to present. Unencrypted source code. Simple, elegant and modern design. Search Engine Friendly URL's. Video Advertisements. Paid Listings. Paypal Integraton. Questions/Answers System. News Section. Lots More.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 199.00
RISE PHP for MySQL code generator
The RISE PHP for MySQL code generator renders PHP source code for database access. The generated code implements the classes and methods corresponding to the information interfaces specified in the RISE model. This includes classes for database access and, optionally, classes implementing SOAP/JSON web services and proxy classes assisting the implementation of a PHP SOAP client.
(3 ratings)
ViraFace - Viral Facebook apps/quizes website script
ViraFace is a powerful apps website script to create viral apps/quizes with Facebook user profile picture and name. ViraFace is the best way to start your own website with apps like "How cute or sexy are you?", "Which animal reflects your soul?", "When will you have the first child?" etc.
(3 ratings)
PriceEUR 99.00
e Learning Software
Our Online Course script has designed especially for teacher and student classes. teacher can create tutorials and allocate to his student and student can login and view it.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 349.00
PHP Newsletter - Cover Image
PHP Newsletter
PHP Newsletter is our premier PHP Script. It is mobile friendly across all devices. It is very robust and gives you full control over your newsletters! Create multiple Templates. Add email addresses directly from the control panel. Add multiple Admins and assign rights to them. Edit user friendly end messages. You can upload images for use in the newsletter. SMTP Debug feature for checking problem email addresses. Add Attachments and send in either Plain text or HTML. As always it is double opt-in.
(3 ratings)
Best Social Network Script Open Source Social Network - Cover Image
Best Social Network Script Open Source Social Network
Open Source Social Network is a best social network script to create your own social network website like facebook. It is freely to use and customize. It have also a theme like facebook. It have a community where you can discuss and download free components https://www.opensource-socialnetwork.org/community
(3 ratings)
SocialEngine - Cover Image
SocialEngine is a powerful social network development platform that can create customized social networks, online communities, and social media websites. Over the years, businesses have embraced it for creating web solutions that connect people with brands and with each other too. We are a leading social network development company providing highly personalized services that help clients to take their business to the next level.
(3 ratings)
Tronitools - Cover Image
Search Engine Optimization More than 50 SEO Tools to keep track of your SEO issues and help to improve the visibility of a website in search engines.
(2 ratings)
anySize - Caching image resizer
When you request an image the first time the result is stored in a cache folder and all further requests use that cache. Image file updated and re-uploaded? No need to flush the cache; everything is automatically taken care of! Want to define the size of your “thumbnail” image? Want to add a “megaawesome” option so you can request images/image.png?s=megaawesome ? Want to disable arbitrary resizing (options 4 & 5)? No problem! Everything is set up in the first few lines of the code using intuitively-named variables. Works out of the box but is extremely easy to customize.
(1 ratings)
PriceUSD 5.00
Just a Forum
Just a Forum helps you set up a knowledge base for your users where they can share what they know about your products or site with each other. This script helps you quickly set up a forum that will help you save on the cost and time for support.
(1 ratings)
PriceUSD 14.00
Website Seller Script
http://www.phpscriptsmall.com/product/website-seller-script/ The Website Marketplace software is so much easier than those other website tactics that you will be wondering why in the world you did not think of it earlier! Website Marketplace and Script Marketplace are your keys to success! Theyare lightning fast to set up, easy to customize and will generate income for years with very little maintenance! You could be making more online money than you ever thought possible! For more details: http://www.phpscriptsmall.com/product/website-seller-script/
(1 ratings)
PriceUSD 39.00
Blog Dash PHP Script
posted byCiphen7inBlog
Use Disqus for comments, and use your existing website as a template so both your site and your blog are branded the same. Extend the script to your needs, but it comes with the essential options for creating a blog on your website and is easier and simpler than other bloated Blogging engines out there.
(1 ratings)
PriceUSD 15.99
PHP Realestate Script
PHP Real Estate Script is a web based system urbanized in PHP and Mysql mainly useful for real estate companies to promote properties. It is easy to use which lets you manage a real estate listing website. Our Real Estate Script has the essential adaptability and simplicity necessary for property owner websites. This Open Source Real Estate Agency Script is quality-rich, simple to use interface with secluded admin area to make, edit, and delete new listings with multiple images. Without technical knowledge in order anyone can sustain our Makaan Clone Script. It is light weight , operates fast when screening multiple properties and the stage searches. For More Details: http://www.phpscriptsmall.com/product/php-realestate-script/
(1 ratings)
PriceUSD 49.00
Online Domain Seller Script
Online Domain Seller Script is a market place for buying and selling domains here suer can buy the domains which is posted by admins. Who want to Sell Their Domain They Need to Give a Request to admin to sell the domain. It has various features like We can sell a domain names, Buyer to post a query to the domain name detail, Domain name SEO Specifications are view, Dynamically maintain the social links. For more details contact us at +91-9841300660
(1 ratings)
PriceUSD 29.01
Facebook Like J-Query Script
Facebook like button in web pages will bring lots of traffic to website. This Facebook like to download j query scripts let you get more likes and traffic for your fan page then to your website. In this simply click the like buttons below to be served your downloads. These particular buttons link to the same file and different like button URLs. Features of this Facebook Like to Download j Query script are as follows. You can Insert an unlimited number of buttons on a single page, Works with ANY download URL with redirect-after-like as a fall back, Cookies keep track of users that already clicked like for each download link, Can set locker messages, and custom message etc. For More Details: http://www.phpscriptsmall.com/product/facebook-like-j-query-script/
(1 ratings)
PriceUSD 9.00
PHP Classified Real Estate Script Magicbricks , 99acres , Rental Classified Script
We developed Real Estate Script using HTML5, CSS technique which help you to set up and customize. It becomes easier based on your idea. Our membership package option provides advanced admin, high secure coding and SEO friendly URL. Our Real Estate PHP Script includes great features for property listing and future properties. Our Property Listing Script has some special features that include: Responsive Layout, Homepage Featured Listings, Real Estate Listing, Custom Logo Upload Design Options, Membership Packages, Listing Packages, Property Submissions, Member Content Uploads, Multiple Payment Gateways, Country, State, City, and Zip Code Searches ,Google Maps Integration and Social Integration Widget Ready Lifetime Support 6 Months Upgrades 24/7 Customer Support Community Forum. For More Details: http://www.phpscriptsmall.com/product-category/real-estate-script/
(1 ratings)
PriceUSD 49.00
GZ Forum Script - Cover Image
GZ Forum Script
Gz Forum software is Content Management System with all a wide range of features. Gz Forum Script is open source online forum software with great design and highly customizable php script. It is developed only with PHP, MySQL, JQuery and HTML/CSS. With Gz Forum System you can easy way to manage posts, topic, replies, categories and more.
(1 ratings)
PriceUSD 19.00
Highest Unique Bid Auction Script
Highest Unique Bid Auction is one of the types of unique bids. Unlike the Lowest Unique Bid, the winner is usually the individual/bidder with the highest unique bid when the bid closes. The maximum bid value is generally kept at a lower value than the actual value of the item. UniqueScriptz, presents different kinds of Highest Unique Bid Auction Software for any types of business and can customize it further as per business need.
(1 ratings)
PriceUSD 649.00
Directory Script | PHP Business Directory Script – PHP Scripts Mall
This Directory Script is categorized which preferred to arrange in alphabetically by business name and in which advertising is sold. PHP Business Directory Script has the unanticipated revenue benefits that will make you to suggest this script for others.
(1 ratings)
PriceUSD 49.00
Results 821-840 of 1000