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Top Rated Scripts | PHP

Results 961-980 of 1000
pluck is a small, simple and fast content management system, with a good-looking administrationcenter. With pluck, you can: * create, edit and delete pages with an easy-to-use Word-like editor, * write posts for your own blog, * use the album to show the world your favourite photos and images, * change the look of your website with one click by installing new themes, * edit metatags, for better results with searchengines, * view nice statistics about your website, * include emailforms in your page(s), * available in 19 languages, including support for RTL (right-to-left) Of course pluck is completely free and opensource!
(84 ratings)
Reliable & free! It has to be Apache! by Nakul Goyal
WEB servers come in various shapes and sizes. They run under a variety of operating systems, have varying levels of power and complexity, and range in price from rather expensive to free. One of them is Apache.
(42 ratings)
Ad Management Yoga
A.M.Y. is light and easy to use ajax-based ad management software that lets you sell ads on your site(s). A.M.Y. can do everything you need: Create unlimited advertising zones, Rotating or non-rotating ads, banner ads, text link ads, and HTML, Flat (time-based), CPM (impressions-based) and CPC (clicks-based) pricing plans, Manual management of advertisers and advertisers can sign-up online themselves, detailed reports for admin and advertisers, unlimited number of advertising campaigns and ads, all paypal currencies supported, set ad priority in the campaign, Full source code included, no encryption, UNLIMITED domains license for domains that you own.
(21 ratings)
PriceUSD 29.00
MySQL Dump
Backup program for MySQL databases that creates MySQL database backup files on your server. The backup files are in the same format as the phpmyadmin dump files. Simple installation. Optional german or english language. Comments in German and english.
(15 ratings)
File manager that works with the file system on your webserver. Use it as an instant intranet. Features: browse directories, create and edit text files, create dirs, rename files and dirs, copy, move and delete files and dirs (recursively), search for file names and full-text (with index in MySQL db, optional), sitemap, annotate dirs and files (Apache-compatible), automatic setting of access rights with FTP (optional), languages: english, german, clear user interface, customizable, and more.
(15 ratings)
AudiStat is a GPL PHP application for generating and showing web statistics for your website. With AudiStat you can get statistics about hit counts, referring page, visitors country, visitors domain name, etc. The statistics presentation page can be customized with your html code using a cascading style sheet. There is a Google statistics functionality which focuses on Googlebot accesses.
(15 ratings)
DP SQLITE Guestbook
posted bydpaehlinPHP
This guestbook run with PHP and SQLITE only. Smiles and some little extras. IP logged your become an e-mail if someone try to hack your admin menue and if a new entry exist, delete entries, Time to log IP in min and add a comment.
(15 ratings)
directory navigation
Do you have a website who's navigation system that follows it's directory structure? If so, these functions can be just what you need. combined with my Absolute Include function, you can implement a navigation solution that requires very little maintenance.
(15 ratings)
Best Arcade Script
Using Best Arcade Script is a perfect way to start your most successful online business. This arcade script is optimized to fulfill the newest needs among players, and for maximizing your income with discrete ad spaces. Modern, innovative and meets the requirements of the present time and the future. We also provide you lots of features and premium support service. This arcade script really gives you the power to break into the Arcade Industry.
(5 ratings)
PriceUSD 39.00
GBook - a FREE guestbook with industry-leading SPAM protection!
posted bykstirninGuestbooks
With this script you can setup a guestbook for your site. No MySQL database is required to run this script. It supports smileys, email notification of new entries, message deletion, private posts and style customization. GBook comes with a very powerful SPAM filter, email protection against SPAM harvesters (or hide emails from visitors completely), IP banning and a bad words filter that will replace nasty language with ****, email notification of posts and replies, manually approving new entries and more. You can modify the look by editing header/footer files or completely customize the template files, no messing with the PHP code required! GBook can be translated into any language by simply translating the text within a single file. Several translations are available for download on the support forum.
(734 ratings)
Advanced Electron Forums (AEF)
The full name of AEF is Advanced Electron Forum. This bulletin board software is free software. It is written in PHP and MySQL. Some great feautures that users speak of : 1) WYSIWYG Editors 2) JS DOCK for easy navigation(A first from AEF) 3) Customizable Themes 4) News System with articles 5) ShoutBox 6) Calendar 7) Report Posts 8) Suggest Framework 9) Threaded Mode for topics 10) Preview Posts 11) Users who have read a topic 12) RSS Feeds 13) Smart Redirects 14) Group Legends 15) Domdrag for reordering Categories, Forums, emoticons (A new feature included for the first time ever in a forum software.) These are just some of the features. 16) Database and file backup from within the Admin CP. 17) Multiple Languages 18) UTF-8 Supported 19) Search Engine Optimization Tools 20) IP Ban 21) W3C Validated AEF has a very simple and easy to use Administration Panel and installing this software is a piece of cake! You can install new themes, customize themes the way you want.
(155 ratings)
posted bymeinMiscellaneous
A simple fan listing script using php and mysql. The script is ideal for sites wanting to list fans of a certain person, thing, etc.
(120 ratings)
PHP Code Executer
It saves you a lot of time and frustration by enabling you to run scripts directly. You copy PHP and/or HTML and/or JavaScript code into the text area. When you click 'Execute Code', it executes the code. When you get a piece of code on the Web, and want to test it, you do not have to copy it into your editor and save it to a specific location and then run it again through your browser from that specific location. No, you just use this baby. It is extremely easy to use and contains no banners or spyware.
(33 ratings)
PHP Simple Gallery Script
This script is meant for small gallery (less than 100 files). This is an index file which you can upload to your directory full of images. With this file you may view those images as gallery with ease and you don't need to edit this file as you delete or add more images to your directory.
(27 ratings)
amfphp flash forum
posted byinfoinFlash & PHP
This is a flash forum using MySQL as db to store topics. Allows you to set up multiple forums and see the forum topics list in a "tree" mode.
(27 ratings)
Free Stuff & Coupon Aggregator Search Engine
Freebie Geni is a Fully Automated Free Stuff Aggregator Search Engine written in PHP/Ajax script utilizing Ajax Google Feed API to collect multiple data feeds from major Free Stuff websites and weblogs in different countries. Auto-filled with thousands of Free Stuff instantly! No big databases, no nightly spidering Free Stuff, because it searches these job boards in real-time through RSS feeds. You can extra Free Stuff Engine RSS Feeds to get more Free Stuff listed. Get your own Mega Free Stuff Site online in minutes and earn Money! The script runs out of the box! Just upload the files and setup the script through the admin panel where you change several settings to fit your needs. Change the Adsense-codes to earn money right away. Furthermore the script is absolutely simple to use and tailored specifically for any webmaster to use, from the newbie to the professional and everyone else in between.
(25 ratings)
PriceUSD 149.00
Gitme Anti flood
This anti flood code will add a piece of graphical-text on the registration form and user will have to copy into a text field the process can not be done if the code is wrong and it produce new security code when come back.
(9 ratings)
Here's a quick run down of everything AdTrackzPro can do for you... - Tells you how many people come to your website from each traffic source so you can know with certainty which ad campaigns actually work - Tracks sales, subscriptions, downloads, etc. from each of your traffic sources - don't just track visitors, track your conversions too - Tracks sales and actions on remote, affiliate websites (No other script can do this!) - Calculates cost per click, cost per sale, and cost per action for each one of your traffic sources so you can see if the return on your investment is worth it. - Analyzes and logs your click to sale and click to action conversion ratios! - Calculates your Return on investment. - Built-In Split Tester with exclusive statistics section! - Ability to shorten tracking URLS, and make them look like just another page on your web site (so people won't even know they're being tracked). - Protects your affiliate sales from commission theft and much more!
(9 ratings)
PriceUSD 67.00
The TinyWebGallery is a free php based gallery that is very easy to install, extremely user friendly, does not need a database (uses xml files) but still has all the features you should expect and much more. Besides the features you find in most other galleries TWG has e.g. - DHTML navigation with sliding thumbnails - xml based comments/captions/view counter/Top X/Rating with security image... - Keyboard navigation (arrow keys) - TWG Admin with file manager, color picker ... - embedded video and mp3 support - TWG Flash Uploader - 3 slideshow types - Protected galleries - Text and image watermarks - Fullscreen mode - Remote picture support - Low bandwith mode - Tags - Search, directory style sheets and lots of small things that makes this gallery unique right now. Check out the demo or the list of all features. Maybe TinyWebGallery is the gallery you where looking for so long.
(533 ratings)
Results 961-980 of 1000